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Children's Songs
More new and exciting features are coming to KIDiddles! Sign up for our Newsletter today and be among the first to know when they're ready to go. Sign-up and get Free Song Sheets, Activity Sheets and Music Sheets!


April 2010 Newsletter

In this version of the Newsletter, the links are not clickable.
To see a version with clickable links and images, go here:
April 2010 Newsletter

This month you can download the KIDiddles Silly
Songbook for no charge.

1. The KIDiddles Silly Songbook- 50 pages
I've put together a new songbook for you. It has lyrics to 20 of
your favorite silly songs. You can download it, including the
cover and contents page, all in one file. Get it by clicking on
the link below:

You can listen to, and download, the songs from the KIDiddles site.
Here are a few samples.

a. Aba Daba Honeymoon

b. Bill Grogan's Goat

c. Baby Bumblebee

d. Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to be Crazy

e. Daddy Wouldn't Buy For Me a Bow-Wow

f. Found a Peanut

g. The Cat Came Back

You can see all 262 silly songs on the Kididdles Silly Songs page:

The songs with a green musical note after the title have songs you
can listen to and download to play on your computer or MP3 player.
To listen to the songs, you need to have a media player installed
on your computer.
Here are the most popular media players:
Windows Media Players http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/download/AllDownloads.aspx?displang=en&qstechnology=
Quicktime http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

2. More Silly Songs
I'm delighted to let you know that Charles W-T Consaul has given
KIDiddles permission to publish seven of his songs on the website.
I think you'll love these original songs. Here are links to the
seven songs, with comments from Charles:

a. When Betty Eats Spaghetti:
"Children's Song?"

b. Being a Kid
"This is my song about being a kid. Remember being a kid?
No? then listen to the song!"

c. I want Some Peanut Butter and Jelly for My Belly
"I am a man of simple tastes?"

d. I Can't Help It If I Don't Feel Good
"This is a song about not wanting to go to school"

e. The Earthworm
"Somebody told me that I couldn't write a song about an
earthworm, so I did!"

f. The Song of the Gooney Bird
"The first song I ever wrote that I kept"

g. The Butterfly
"I wrote this with my daughter. She came up with the name
of the butterfly."

Charles used to be a street singer in San Fransisco, did the
Canadian Folk circuit for a few years, played behind a lot of
people that you might have even heard of for a while, and played
guitar for the Army! He's now a teacher.

3. Songs (and more) for Earth Day
Earth Day, held on April 22, was started to inspire awareness and
appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S.
Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin in 1970, and is celebrated
in many countries.

Daria, who performs world music for children, is celebrating Earth
Day by offering a free download of her song "We've Got the Whole
World in Our Hands." Here's her comment about the song: :
"To love and care for the earth means that we will be able to
enjoy it for generations. This song is about making peaceful and
"earth friendly" choices now to insure a brighter future for all
humankind in the years to come."

Get the song from Daria's website:

Daria also has a competition for Earth Day and you could win one
of her instruments - backpack guitar, a talking drum, or a shekere.
Many more prizes too. Create any instrument from recycled materials
and send its picture to Daria and one of the prizes could be yours.
All the details in Contest Ideas and Rules:

Daria has also given permission for two of her songs to be on
KIDiddles. You can listen to her songs on the website:
This Little Light of Mine:

Do Your Ears Hang Low

4. Reading Lessons
The revised sample lesson is now on the Reading Lessons site.
I've received very valuable feedback from many hundreds of
teachers and parents, who commented on the sample lesson.

If you watched the video and completed the survey, many thanks.
If you'd like to check out the sample lesson, it's here:

Don't forget, the lessons will be free.

5. KidsWorks!
I am very fortunate to know Don Turney, a very talented San
Francisco Bay Area musician and composer. Don and his wife, Sharon,
have started KidsWorks to showcase their Christian children's
musicals, solos, anthems, music for kids choir, sketches & scripts
for children's ministries; all dedicated to glorifying the name of
Jesus in the hearts of kids.

Please take a look at KidsWorks if you are at all interested in
Christian music for kids.
KidsWorks, Christian Music for a New Generation:

6. How Can KIDiddles be free?
Last month I explained how we are able to provide the KIDiddles
service without a fee. The answer was that KIDiddles does not make
a profit but the Google ads on the site help pay for some of the
overhead costs.

When an Google ad on the site is clicked on, KIDiddles gets a tiny
payment, tenths of a penny, but the income does not cover costs.
Some KIDiddles Newsletter readers asked if there is a way to donate,
so I will included a donate button on the website, to accept small
donations via PayPal.

7. SongSheets, MusicSheets and ActivitySheets
a. Kididdles has SongSheets - with lyrics,
b. MusicSheets - with music scores and
c. ActivitySheets - great worksheets.

Here are the links for all of them:
a. http://www.kididdles.com/songsheets_home.html
b. http://www.kididdles.com/musicsheets_home.html
c. http://www.kididdles.com/activitysheets_home.html

7. More Great Websites
"FREE Teaching Resources including Lesson Plans, Lesson Plan
Templates, Printable Worksheets, Theme Units, Educational
Certificates and Much More. The site also features a Grant Finder
for Teachers with 1000's of grants to choose from! "

See this and thousands of other great teacher sites at:

Keep on Singing!


P.S. Here again is the link to the Silly Songbook:

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