World Songs Songs
Multicultural Songs from around the World that build an appreciation of diversity. With lyrics and music to listen to.
- A Rum Sum Sum
- Ally Bally Bee
- Arthur McBride
Au Clair de la Lune
- Baby Sitter's Lullaby
- Donald Where's Your Troosers
- Eat Your Bread, Mary (Tremp' Ton Pain, Marie)
- Eriskay Love Lilt (Bheir Me O)
- Eriskay Love Lilt (Bheir Me O)
Fais Do Do
Frère Jacques Are You Sleeping
Irish Lullaby
- It's a Small World
- Italian Cradle Song
La Mistenlaire
Mi Chacra
(My Farm)
- Mighty Like a Rose (Version 2)
- Mighty Like a Rose (Version 1)
- My Boomerang Won't Come Back
My Wild Irish Rose
- Oranges and Lemons
- Raindrops
- Raisins And Almonds
- Rozhinkes mit Mandlen (Raisins And Almonds)
Rule Britannia!
Schlummer Kahn
- Senor Don Gato (Spanish)
- Sur le Pont d'Avignon
- The Bluebells of Scotland
- The Mailman
- The Mouse Song
- The Old Grey Hen
- The Turkey
The Wearing of the Green
- They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace
- Uno, Dos, Tres Gatitos
- Welsh Lullaby (A Mother Was Pressing Her Babe) (æRoedd Mam yn Cofleidio)
- Zum Gali Gali