Man in the Moon
Old Rhyme
Music By: Geoffrey O'Hara
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1998

The man in the moon,
As he sails the sky,
Is a very remarkable skipper;
But he made a mistake
When he first tried to take
A drink of milk from the Dipper.
He dipped right out of the Milky Way,
And slowly and carefully filled it;
The Big Bear growled and
The Little Bear howled;
And scared him so much that he spilled it.
The man in the moon
Wore a sad little face,
For he wanted that milk for his dinner;
And he melted away,
Like a snowdrift in May,
Each night a little bit thinner.
The Big Bear called to the Little Bear
"Wherever can he have been dining?
How would it seem
If we fed him some cream?
Would that keep the poor man from pining?"
As he sails the sky,
Is a very remarkable skipper;
But he made a mistake
When he first tried to take
A drink of milk from the Dipper.
He dipped right out of the Milky Way,
And slowly and carefully filled it;
The Big Bear growled and
The Little Bear howled;
And scared him so much that he spilled it.
The man in the moon
Wore a sad little face,
For he wanted that milk for his dinner;
And he melted away,
Like a snowdrift in May,
Each night a little bit thinner.
The Big Bear called to the Little Bear
"Wherever can he have been dining?
How would it seem
If we fed him some cream?
Would that keep the poor man from pining?"