Making the Hay
Written By: Clifton Bingham
Music By: Bruno Huhn
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1998

Three little people
Out in the hay,
Tumbling and tossing it,
Every which way!
Working so merrily
In the bright sun
Helping the farmers --
Isn't it fun?
Three little people,
Oh, how they keep
Burying each other
Ever so deep!
But if the little ones
All were to play,
When would the farmers
Get in their hay?
Out in the hay,
Tumbling and tossing it,
Every which way!
Working so merrily
In the bright sun
Helping the farmers --
Isn't it fun?
Three little people,
Oh, how they keep
Burying each other
Ever so deep!
But if the little ones
All were to play,
When would the farmers
Get in their hay?