Lord, Teach a Little Child to Pray
Written By: Unknown
Copyright Unknown

Lord, teach a little child to pray,
And oh, accept my prayer!
Thou hearest all the words I say,
For Thou art ev'rywhere.
A little sparrow cannot fall
Unnoticed, Lord by Thee;
And tho' I am so young and small,
Thou carest still for me.
Teach me to do whate'er is right,
And when I sin, forgive;
And make it still my chief delight
To love Thee while I live.
And oh, accept my prayer!
Thou hearest all the words I say,
For Thou art ev'rywhere.
A little sparrow cannot fall
Unnoticed, Lord by Thee;
And tho' I am so young and small,
Thou carest still for me.
Teach me to do whate'er is right,
And when I sin, forgive;
And make it still my chief delight
To love Thee while I live.