The Golden Rule
Written By: Marguerite Cook
Old English Melody
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 2002

The Golden Rule is Jesus's rule,
The rule He gave to all;
He wants us each to keep this rule,
His children, both large and small.
Oh, I will keep this Golden Rule,
This rule that teaches me,
To do to others as I would love
To have others do to me.
If everyone could keep this rule,
How happy we all would be;
At work, at play, at home, or at school,
What joy we would always see!
Oh, I will keep this Golden Rule,
This rule that teaches me,
To do to others as I would love
To have others do to me.
I'll keep this rule, this Golden Rule,
Yes, I'll keep it ev'ry day!
This Rule of Love, for home or for school,
I'll keep it in ev'ry way!
Oh, I will keep this Golden Rule,
This rule that teaches me,
To do to others as I would love
To have others do to me.
The rule He gave to all;
He wants us each to keep this rule,
His children, both large and small.
Oh, I will keep this Golden Rule,
This rule that teaches me,
To do to others as I would love
To have others do to me.
If everyone could keep this rule,
How happy we all would be;
At work, at play, at home, or at school,
What joy we would always see!
Oh, I will keep this Golden Rule,
This rule that teaches me,
To do to others as I would love
To have others do to me.
I'll keep this rule, this Golden Rule,
Yes, I'll keep it ev'ry day!
This Rule of Love, for home or for school,
I'll keep it in ev'ry way!
Oh, I will keep this Golden Rule,
This rule that teaches me,
To do to others as I would love
To have others do to me.