Santa Claus Fingerplay
Written By: Emilie Poulsson
Music By: Cornelia C. Roeske
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1999

And sing out with glee!
For Christmas is coming
And merry are we!
(Clap hands)
Then swift o'er the snow
Eight reindeer now appear,
They're trotting and bringing
Dear Santa Claus near.
(Thumbs interlocked, run other 8 fingers
across table or lap, like reindeer running)
O, clap, clap your hands
And sing out with glee!
For Christmas is coming
And merry are we!
(Clap hands)
Our stockings we'll hang,
(Thumb tucked under fingers of one hand,
'hang' other 4 fingers down like stockings)
And while we're asleep
(Rest head on hands and close eyes)
Then down thro' the chimney
(Hands in fist, bring one fist
down on top of the other)
Dear Santa will creep.
(Hand fisted, thumb pointed upward
to depict Santa Claus)
O, clap, clap your hands
And sing out with glee!
For Christmas is coming
And merry are we!
(Clap hands)
He'll empty his pack,
(Make 'stockings' as above, and
pretend to fill them)
And then he will be gone
(Thumb 'Santa' disappears into fist)
He'll call for his reindeer
(Make 'reindeer' as above)
And fly away home.
(Hands 'fly away' through the sky)