A Riddle Song
Written By: Dean Swift, Adapted
Further Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1998 KIDiddles.com

We are little fairy creatures,
All of diff'rent voice and features,
One of us in "glass" is set,
One of us is found in "jet".
One in "tin" is well surrounded,
By a "box" the fourth is bounded,
And the fifth, I tell you true,
Never will it fly from "you".
Who, or what, are we?
Answer: The five vowels.
All of diff'rent voice and features,
One of us in "glass" is set,
One of us is found in "jet".
One in "tin" is well surrounded,
By a "box" the fourth is bounded,
And the fifth, I tell you true,
Never will it fly from "you".
Who, or what, are we?
Answer: The five vowels.