God Is Love
Written By: Harry Lee
Music By: J.H. Fillmore
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 2002 KIDiddles.com

"God is love," the snowflakes whisper,
As they float down from the sky,
"God is love," the breezes murmur,
As they softly whistle by.
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."
Little stars that shine in heaven,
As they twinkle far above,
Sparkling, smiling, at each other,
Whisper gently, "God is love."
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."
"God is love," the raindrops tell us,
In their pitter-patter way,
"God is love," proclaims the sunshine,
As it warms another day.
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."
Baby birds nest in the treetops,
Cuddled 'neath their Mama's wing,
As they snuggle ever closer,
"God is love," they sweetly sing.
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."
As they float down from the sky,
"God is love," the breezes murmur,
As they softly whistle by.
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."
Little stars that shine in heaven,
As they twinkle far above,
Sparkling, smiling, at each other,
Whisper gently, "God is love."
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."
"God is love," the raindrops tell us,
In their pitter-patter way,
"God is love," proclaims the sunshine,
As it warms another day.
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."
Baby birds nest in the treetops,
Cuddled 'neath their Mama's wing,
As they snuggle ever closer,
"God is love," they sweetly sing.
God is love, God is love,
All things tell us: "God is love."