The Bible is the Best Book
Words and Music By: Mrs. Jas. W. Wood
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 2002

The Bible is the best book,
The book we hold most dear,
A story book, a picture book,
A book of songs to cheer.
The Bible tells of Jesus,
Who watches from above,
The Bible brings the message sweet,
That God is Love.
The Bible, too, has letters,
That bring good news in them,
The Bible tells us Jesus said,
"Let children come to Him."
The Bible teaches lessons
On what we all should be,
The Bible came from God above,
For you and me.
The book we hold most dear,
A story book, a picture book,
A book of songs to cheer.
The Bible tells of Jesus,
Who watches from above,
The Bible brings the message sweet,
That God is Love.
The Bible, too, has letters,
That bring good news in them,
The Bible tells us Jesus said,
"Let children come to Him."
The Bible teaches lessons
On what we all should be,
The Bible came from God above,
For you and me.