Musical Chairs Game
Written By: Alice C. D. Riley, Music By: Jessie L. Gaynor
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans, © 1998 KIDiddles.com

Little ones at play
Went out one summer's day,
They went out a-walking
Just for fun-fun-fun.
But when they stopped to rest,
The first were served the best.
They found them seats a-plenty
All but one-one-one.
Goodbye! Goodbye!
We're very, very sorry that
You have to go away.
Goodbye! Goodbye!
Please come with us a-walking
Yet another day.
Game Instructions
Arrange chairs in a double line, back to back.
Have one less chair than the number of children playing.
The children walk around the chairs singing,
and seat themselves suddenly on "one-one-one."
As the child who is without a chair returns to the table,
the rest sing the "Goodbye" part of the song.
Repeat game until all chairs are removed.
Went out one summer's day,
They went out a-walking
Just for fun-fun-fun.
But when they stopped to rest,
The first were served the best.
They found them seats a-plenty
All but one-one-one.
Goodbye! Goodbye!
We're very, very sorry that
You have to go away.
Goodbye! Goodbye!
Please come with us a-walking
Yet another day.
Game Instructions
Arrange chairs in a double line, back to back.
Have one less chair than the number of children playing.
The children walk around the chairs singing,
and seat themselves suddenly on "one-one-one."
As the child who is without a chair returns to the table,
the rest sing the "Goodbye" part of the song.
Repeat game until all chairs are removed.