All the World Loves to Hear Mothers Sing
See the mother bird tenderly singing,
Away in the treetop high,
Where her cozy nest is gently swinging,
In time to her lullaby.
Hush-a-bye, rock-a-bye,
In their cradles the babies swing,
Hush-a-bye, l (view song)
Come, Little Mother
Night shadows creeping;
Winds are a-sleeping;
Stars are a-gleaming;
Clouds are dreaming.
Come, little mother,
Sing to baby brother,
Pretty lullaby-lo,
Sweet lullaby. (view song)
I Love Mother
I stand way up on my tippy-toes
While Mother leans over to hear
And then I whisper so no-one else knows
I love you so much, Mother dear! (view song)
Knees Up Mother Brown
(view song)
Mother Dear, Where Are You Going?
Mother dear, where are you going?
Tra la la, tra la la,
Mother dear, where are you going?
Tra la la la la!
(Children face each other in pairs.
Child on right represents mother.) (view song)
Mother's Day
Let's go out and pick some flow'rs
And make a big bouquet;
We must bring a special gift
To Mom on Mother's Day!
Here's a rose, and there's a daisy
For our Mom's bouquet,
Pretty flow'rs to show we lov (view song)
Mother's Song
There's not a rose where'er I seek
As comely as my baby's cheek.
There's not a comb of honey-bee,
So full of sweets as babe to me.
And it's O! sweet, sweet! and a lullaby.
There's not a star that shi (view song)
Mother's Song, A
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Your daddy's away,
Sleep, baby, sleep,
And mommy will pray,
Pray for your daddy
Who sails on the sea,
Pray while I'm rocking
His babe on my knee;
May breezes blow gently
Where'er h (view song)
Mother, May I Go Out to Swim?
"Mother, may I go out to swim?
Out to swim?, out to swim?
Mother, may I go out to swim?"
"Yes, my darling daughter."
"Fold your clothes up neat and trim,
Neat and trim, neat (view song)
My Grandmother's Old Fashioned Garden
My grandmother dear
Has a garden,
Old fashioned and quaint
As can be
The flowers so rare,
That none can compare,
'Neath the plum and apricot
And cherry tree.
Would you like me to
Show you the garden? (view song)
Old Mother Goose
Oh, old Mother Goose
Had a house in the woods,
If you chanced to visit,
You'd see quite a brood!
There'd be Little Bo-Peep,
Looking after her sheep;
And the dear boy in blue
Who was always asleep!
Wh (view song)
Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To fetch her poor dog a bone
But when she got there
The cupboard was bare
And so her poor dog had none
She went to the baker’s
To buy him some bread
(view song)
Old Mother Leary
(Version 1)
Late one night
When we were all in bed
Old Mother Leary
Left a lantern in the shed
And when the cow kicked it over,
She winked her eye and said,
"There’ll be a hot time
In the old town, t (view song)
Old Mother Leary
(Version 2)
One dark night
When we were all in bed
Mrs. O'Leary
Left the lantern in the shed
The cow kicked it over and
Winked her eyes and said,
"There’ll be a hot time
In the old town, tonight.&quo (view song)
Welsh Lullaby
(A Mother Was Pressing Her Babe)
(æRoedd Mam yn Cofleidio)
A mother was pressing
Her babe to her breast
And saying while soothing
His sorrow to rest
Sleep gently my darling,
Sleep soundly my boy
For thou art my treasure,
My rapture and joy
The trumpet is howl (view song)
What is Home Without a Mother?
What is home without a mother,
What are all the joys we meet?
When her loving smile no longer
Greets the coming coming of our feet:
The days seem long, the nights are drear,
And time rolls slowly (view song)